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Donate to Scientist Rebellion →

Support scientists who are doing what it takes to raise the alarm on the climate and ecological crisis and help shift society into emergency mode.

Why your support is so important

Time is running out. The crisis is accelerating: our movements must grow similarly rapidly to have any hope of success. Unfortunately, this is only possible with adequate funding. Many members of Scientist Rebellion work full time, around the clock, often risking arrest and imprisonment in order to spread awareness of the climate crisis and push governments towards enacting meaningful change. Donations will be used to finance both our actions and living expenses. Any amount you can donate will be greatly appreciated, and you will be able to see the results of your contributions as actions on our social media. We really appreciate monthly donations, as they allow us to plan our yearly budget better.

Show your support

If you're currently unable to donate, another way in which you can show your support is by helping us spread the word about the climate crisis, and what needs to be done to prevent climate and civilization collapse.

You can do that by sharing our actions on social media, and use one of the badges below for your profile photos, wherever you have an online presence:

Call for lab coat donations!

For our actions we need white lab coats. Those can of course be used/second hand. Any lab coat you can spare will help us a lot to create a strong action picture.

If you are located in Germany, please send them to:

Freiwald, 2540292 (Postnummer), Packstation 101, 10319 Berlin

For other countries, please send an Email to ask for an address lab coats can be sent to: